भक्तिवेदान्त गुरुकुलं वेदविद्या प्रतिष्ठान
Bhaktivedant Gurukul Vedvidya Pratishthan
॥ न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशमिदं पवित्रम् ॥

The purpose of Bhaktivedanta Gurukul is to identify potential in the students and training them to be highly learned - Combination of academic ability consist both Spiritual, Material and Cultural ability in the context of Vedic Scripture.
Initial stage of admission is Orientation Summer Camp. Selection will be done through Summer Camp. The prospective & interested student will be allowed to attend the camp program to associate with the teachers & students to determine his abilities, behaviour, service attitude, culture of respect. After selection, parents of selected students will be informed & called for an interview to determine their perception regarding the educational process.
After studying the admission documents and accepting the vision of the school together with all the rules and regulations mentioned and explained in those documents, parents can contact for upcoming camp and other details for further steps in the process of admittance.